18 Long Exposure Photographs That Used Shutter Speed Creatively

Long exposure photography requires comparatively slower shutter speeds in order to capture movements in the frame. When capturing long exposure photographs, it is better to have a point of interest in the frame that should be kept in sharp focus while the movement of other elements or objects is captured. In case of abstract photography, you can capture movement in the entire frame, as long as there is some detail and interest to keep the viewers engaged.

Here are 18 long exposure photographs that have used shutter speed creatively

8 Guides On Filters That Will Enhance Your Photography

Filters for cameras are optical glass filters that are mostly placed or attached to the front of the lens and they come in different types for various purposes. You could use filters to slow down the shutter, change the way light falls on the sensor, cut down certain wavelengths or even add/enhance colours and other interesting effects with the help of a filter. Here are 8 interesting guides on filters that will help you to enhance your photography.

21 Photographs Of The Spring Season To Bring Some Cheer And Inspiration

Spring is around the corner and it is a time of the year when everything wakes up from dormancy, including plants, trees, bugs, even some birds and animals. You can feel the warmth, see new growth and it is a season that portrays new life and colours. Some photographers also stay indoors and shoot less during the winter season and so spring can be a time to dust off the camera, to get out and shoot.
Here are 21 photographs of the spring season, to bring some cheer and inspiration to your photography.